Meet Our Team
Our Story
Our Team
Favorite building- Auditorium Building in Chicago by Louis Sullivan (The original mixed-use building).
Any pets? One cat – Tooken – The friendliest cat you will ever meet.
My Super Power is: Finding a way to organize just about anything.
On Your Bucket List: Living in a world without Alzheimer’s!
Dream Project: A skyscraper in downtown St. Louis that’s taller than the Arch.
Favorite Thing to Do: Golf & spend time with my family.
Favorite Sport: Swimming
Interesting Fact: Mike enjoys giving back to the sport by officiating at various junior swim meets throughout the region as a USA Swimming Certified Meet Official.
Place You Take People in St. Louis: FEBA if you’re a real St. Louisan you’ll know what that is . . . Fast Eddie’s Bon Air.
Favorite Place to Travel: Oktoberfest in Munich.
Why did you decide to become an architect? I wanted to do something that would make an impact on people’s everyday lives… Becoming an architect is a fantastic opportunity & privilege to shape the world we live in and improve people’s daily lives.
Hobby/favorite thing to do – I am an avid knitter; I always have yarn in my purse. You’ll frequently find me knitting in parking lots waiting on my kids during their activities. My newest obsession is socks. I also love lacework sweaters.
Favorite finish to pull? Wallcovering – there are endless possibilities to make a huge impact within the space while adding performance capabilities!
Favorite Dessert? Tiramisu.
Favorite part of the design process (why?) I love seeing a project come to life and hearing/seeing the excitement from happy clients/staff.
Hobby/favorite thing to do? Spending time with my family. We love being outside.
If you could design any project, what would it be? A resort campus – How fun would it be to design a home away from home with all the fun amenities, themes and luxury.
Greatest adventure so far? Three-month study aboard in Greec.
Favorite building: My favorite building changes a lot but I would say at the moment The Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library by SOM
Place You Take People in St. Louis: The Gramophone
If you could design any project, what would it be? A hotel, my daughter loves to stay at the hotel.
Something on your bucket list? Travel to different places around the world.
Hobby/favorite thing to do? Trying local breweries, listening to true crime podcasts, and playing tennis.
Greatest adventure so far? I spent 3 months living/working in Madrid!
Favorite architectural/design trend or style: My favorite architectural style is mid-century modern.
Something on your bucket list: I have always dreamed of skydiving. I would also love to pilot a fighter jet.